I had the pleasure of meeting Victoria and John in 2014. In Victoria, it soon became evident that I was dealing with a force of nature. Here is someone, I thought, who embodies all that’s best in humanity. Frankly, I am blessed with many in my circle of friends and acquaintances who answer that description. What most of them don’t have, however, that Victoria does have – and in abundance – is the will to breath life into her vision, and the determination to subdue whatever obstacles might stand between her and its fulfillment. In such a confrontation, I could see, the obstacle has no chance.
Together, Victoria and John each possess qualities that make the other unconquerable and, in those rare instances when they need reminding what it’s all for, they only need a glance into the eyes of a disabled child, and the vision, like the phoenix, is startled to life from the ashes of discouragement, frustration, and exhaustion, to rise again, and again, and again.
David Crossman – a Bestselling author of A Terrible Mercy